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          Delayed Cracking of Advanced High Strength Steel Solutions

          2018-10-25 13:48:00

          Mentor: Dean Kanelos - - Nucor Steel
          Co- - Principal Investigator: Eric Batt - ArcelorMittal
          Co- - Principal Investigator: Curt Horvath – General Motors Company

          Project Manager: Jonathan Smith, Auto/Steel Partnership

          A/SP Team Members:
          J. Bickham – ArcelorMittal
          J. Cole – Ford Motor Company
          R. J. Comstock – AK Steel
          J. J. Coryell – General Motors Company
          C. Matthew Enloe – General Motors Company
          J. J. Fitzpatrick - ArcleorMittal
          M. P. Hammerl – AK Steel
          M. M. Huang – ArcelorMittal
          P. Makrygiannis – AK Steel
          A. D. Pearson – General Motors
          R. Radzilowski – AK Steel
          N. Ramisetti – ArcelorMittal
          D. S. Ruhno – Ford Motor Company
          J. Singh – FCA Group
          P. Som -ArcleorMittal
          J. Stachowski - Nucor
          A. Thompson - Nucor
          Y. Wang – AK Steel
          S. Wolf - ArcelorMittal

          W. Wu – AK Steel

          ? To develop a test method for ranking the relative susceptibility of zinc coated advanced high strength steels (AHSS) and ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) to hydrogen assisted cracking.
          ? To avoid the most common concerns with existing tests:
          ? Artificial “charging” with hydrogen concentrations far above what
          would be expected in automotive environment
          ? Development of a test that is not relevant to thin sheet steels
          ? Development of a test that is complicated and/or requires R&D type
          of equipment

          ? To expand on the previous work done by the A/SP STHT which resulted in a draft procedure for determining the relative susceptibility of bare AHSS/UHSS
          ? To develop a representative test for zinc coated steels

          ? A test that is relatively easy to run and adapted for new grade validation
          ? A test that can be modified for specific OEM pass/fail criteria.
          ? A test that is applicable to sheet steel with or without additional manufacturing (coating, welding, etc.) or in-service corrosion inputs

          Note: : t It s is commonly thought that the risk for hydrogen assisted cracking cannot be completely eliminated (in all potential processes/environments) unless tensile strengths are restricted below 800 MPa

          ? A bend test consisting of samples pre-strained to >/=70% of their yield strength shows promise for evaluating hydrogen susceptibility
          ? Some materials/microstructure combinations with high tensile strengths have been shown as susceptible to hydrogen assisted cracking when exposed to test conditions
          ? Hydrogen related cracks occur very early in the test.

          ? Multiple test labs have seen similar results when susceptible materials are evaluated to the new test method.
          ? The A/SP Sheet Steel Harmonization Task Force has developed a draft test method for testing uncoated steels.
          ? When testing zinc coated steels with 0.1N HCl, the generation of hydrogen during dissolution can lead to premature fracture.

          ? Samples are strain-gauged and bent to the desired stress levels
          ? Fixtured samples are immersed in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid

          Susceptible materials at high
          strains, immersed in 0.1N HCl,
          exhibit large cracks after relatively
          short exposures to the acid solution

          ? Goal: Work with AET Integration, Inc. to determine adaptations needed to current draft procedure to allow testing of grades with zinc coatings
          ? Comparison of different concentrations of hydrogen source (NH 4 SCN) to previously studied HCl.
          ? Testing of dual phase, fully martensitic and press hardened grades.

          ? Use of NH 4 SCN resulted in a significantly lower attack on the coatings than the previously used HCl
          ? The lower rate of attack on the zinc coatings in the NH 4 SCN solutions (ie low mass loss), likely resulted in low/little hydrogen evolution and lower amounts of hydrogen absorption

          ? The use of a NH 4 SCN solution appeared to greatly reduce or eliminate hydrogen evolution of zinc coated AHSS’s

          ? The use of NH 4 SCN does show promise as an alternative test solution to .1N HCL, however, lower concentrations than those tested need to be evaluated for use on zinc coated substrate

          ? Investigate lower concentrations of NH 4 SCN
          ? Investigate techniques for coating removal
          ? Follow with acid immersion bend test
          ? Test coated substrate to SEP1970 – Tensile Specimen with Punched Hole
          ? Others?

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